Most Read Articles

Most read articles are listed by the number of read for the previous three months.

Analysis of Thermal Environment Improving Effects of Green Curtain in Summer
Green Curtain 형식의 벽면녹화시스템을 통한 여름철 건물 실내 열환경 비교 분석
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(5):80-89.
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An Analysis of Cultural Hegemony and Placeness Changes in the Area of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul
서울 송현동 일대의 문화 헤게모니와 장소성 변화 분석
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(1):33-52.
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The Creation of Ttukseom Pleasure Ground and Its Transformation to a Park
뚝섬유원지의 생성과 공원화
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2018;46(1):127-142.
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Design and Management Direction of Smart Park for Smart Green City
스마트 그린시티 구현을 위한 스마트 공원 설계·관리 방향
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(6):1-15.
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Designing and Creating a Model Garden to Demonstrate Carbon Reduction - Case Study of Carbon Reduction Model Garden at the Sejong National Arboretum -
탄소저감 현장 실증을 위한 모델정원 설계와 조성 - 국립세종수목원 탄소저감 모델 정원을 사례로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2023;51(6):75-87.
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A Study on ‘Pin Oak at Son keechung Memorial Park’ -Truth of Hitler Oaks-
‘손기정 월계관 기념수’에 대한 소고 -히틀러 참나무의 진실-
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(6):48-57.
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Analysis of Environmental Equity of Green Space Services in Seoul - The Case of Jung-gu, Seongdong-gu and Dongdaemun-gu -
서울지역 녹지서비스의 환경형평성 분석 - 중구, 성동구, 동대문구를 사례로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2019;47(2):100-116.
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A Case Study on the Preservation Strategies of ‘Historic Urban Parks’ in the UK, the USA, and Japan
영국, 미국, 일본의 ‘역사적 도시공원’ 보존 전략 사례 연구
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(2):20-33.
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The Design Trends of Outdoor Space in Commercial Multi-Complexes in Korea
국내 복합상업시설 외부공간의 특성과 변화 양상
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(5):89-106.
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Design Strategies and Processes through the Concept of Resilience
리질리언스 개념을 통해서 본 설계 전략과 과정
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2018;46(5):44-58.
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Conflicts between the Conservation and Removal of the Modern Historic Landscapes - A Case of the Demolition Controversy of the Japanese General Government Building in Seoul -
근대 역사 경관의 보존과 철거 - 구 조선총독부 철거 논쟁을 사례로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2018;46(4):21-35.
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Case Analysis and Applicability Review of Parametric Design in Landscape Architectural Design
조경 설계 분야에서 파라메트릭 디자인의 사례 분석과 활용 가능성
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2021;49(2):1-16.
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Types of Landscape Design Concepts through Analysis of Award-Winners for Urban Park Design Competitions
도시공원 설계공모 수상작을 통해 본 조경설계개념의 유형
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(2):102-115.
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Analyzing the Socio-Ecological System of Bees to Suggest Strategies for Green Space Planning to Promote Urban Beekeeping
꿀벌의 사회생태시스템 분석을 통한 도시 양봉 활성화 녹지 계획 전략 제시
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(1):46-58.
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Case Studies for the Establishment of Korean National Urban Park
사례로 본 한국 국가도시공원 조성 연구
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(2):116-126.
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Analysis of Areas Vulnerable to Urban Heat Island Using Hotspot Analysis - A Case Study in Jeonju City, Jeollabuk-do -
핫스팟 분석을 이용한 도시열섬 취약지 특성 분석 - 전주시를 대상으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(5):67-79.
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Evaluation of Park Service in Neighborhood Parks based on the Analysis of Walking Accessibility - Focused on Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si -
보행접근성 분석에 기반한 근린공원의 공원서비스 평가 - 성남시 분당구를 대상으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(1):59-70.
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Estimation of the Effects of Daily Walking Hours and Days on the Mental Health of Urban Residents - The Case in Seoul -
주거지역 가로환경 및 일상 걷기가 정신 건강에 미치는 영향 - 서울시 대상으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(1):87-100.
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The Diversification of Environmental Aesthetics and the Rise of Everyday Aesthetics - Theoretical Agendas and Issues of Yuriko Saito’s Everyday Aesthetics -
환경미학의 다변화와 일상미학의 부상 - 유리코 사이토의 일상미학 이론의 의제와 쟁점을 중심으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2023;51(2):42-53.
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Analysis of Thermal Environment Modification Effects of Street Trees Depending on Planting Types and Street Directions in Summertime Using ENVI-Met Simulation
ENVI-Met 시뮬레이션을 통한 도로 방향별 가로수 식재 형태에 따른 여름철 열환경 개선 효과 분석
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(2):1-22.
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