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Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture. Vol. 48, No. 3, 2020

Analysis of Budget Trends related to Creation of Urban Park in Seoul - Focusing on Budgetary Document -
서울시 도시공원조성예산 변동 추세 - 예산서를 중심으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(3):1-11.
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Analysis of Sustainable Management Factors in County Parks Based on the Sustainability Evaluation Framework of Korea Nature Parks - Focus on the 11 County Parks in Gyeongsangnam-do -
자연공원 지속가능성평가에 기반한 군립공원 지속가능성 영향요인 분석 - 경남권역 11개소 군립공원을 대상으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(3):12-21.
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The Satisfaction Analysis of Mount Tai Mountaineering Road Sign System Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
퍼지 종합 평가를 활용한 태산(泰山)등산로 사인시스템 만족도 분석
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(3):22-33.
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Analysis of Significance between SWMM Computer Simulation and Artificial Rainfall on Rainfall Runoff Delay Effects of Vegetation Unit-type LID System
식생유니트형 LID 시스템의 우수유출 지연효과에 대한 SWMM 전산모의와 인공강우 모니터링 간의 유의성 분석
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(3):34-44.
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Development of Land Purchase System by Ecological Evaluation - Focusing on the Donggang Basin -
생태성 평가를 통한 토지매수시스템 개발 - 동강유역을 중심으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(3):45-53.
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Transition of Cheoldo Park and Its Significance as Sports Park
운동공원으로서 철도공원의 변화와 의의
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2020;48(3):54-65.
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