List of Articles

Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture. Vol. 50, No. 1, 2022

A Study on the Management Method in Accordance with the Vegetation Structure of Geumgang Pine (Pinus densiflora) Forest in Sogwang-ri, Uljin
울진 소광리 금강소나무림 식생구조 특성에 따른 관리방안
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(1):1-19.
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The Effect of Greenspace on School Commuting Routes on Pedestrian Satisfaction and the Future Direction of Creation
학교통학로 녹지가 보행자의 만족도와 조성 방향에 미치는 영향
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(1):20-32.
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An Analysis of Cultural Hegemony and Placeness Changes in the Area of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul
서울 송현동 일대의 문화 헤게모니와 장소성 변화 분석
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(1):33-52.
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A Study on the Place Identity of Shin-Cheorwon with the Intrinsic Everydayness-By Using Photovoice Methodology-
일상성이 내재된 신철원 장소정체성 연구 - 포토보이스 방법론을 활용하여 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(1):53-67.
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Analysis of Human Thermal Environment in an Apartment Complex in Late Spring and Summer - Magok-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul-
아파트 단지의 늦봄·여름철 인간 열환경 분석 - 서울특별시 강서구 마곡동 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(1):68-77.
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An Analysis of Operation Structure and Contribution of Civilian Expert Program for Landscape Architects focusing on Local Governments
지방자치단체의 조경분야 민간전문가 제도 운영현황 및 문제점 분석†,††
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2022;50(1):78-90.
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