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Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture. Vol. 52, No. 4, 2024

Satisfaction and Perception Analysis of Parks of the 1st and 2nd Generation New Towns
1․2기 신도시 공원 이용자의 만족도와 인식 분석
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):1-17.
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An Analysis of Inscription Trends of UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscapes
유네스코 세계유산 문화경관 등재 경향 분석
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):18-31.
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Effect of Roadside Tree Planting Characteristics on Improving Urban Thermal Environment - Based on Observations of Temperature and Humidity of Roadside Trees in Daegu Metropolitan City -
가로수 식재 특성에 따른 도시 열환경 개선 효과 - 대구광역시 가로수 온습도 관측을 바탕으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):32-44.
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Evaluating the Impact of Walkability Environments on Leisure Walking Using Google Street View and Deep Learning - A Case Study of Yongsan District, Seoul -
구글 스트리트 뷰와 딥러닝을 활용한 보행 친화적 환경이 여가보행에 미치는 영향 평가 - 서울특별시 용산구를 대상으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):45-55.
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A Study of the Detailed Typology of School Outdoor Spaces - For a Recent Landscaping School in Seoul -
학교옥외공간의 세부 유형 분류 연구 - 서울시 최근 조경사업 학교를 대상으로 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):56-68.
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Characteristics of Public Participation in the Restructuring of Gwanghwamun Plaza
광화문광장 재구조화 과정에 나타난 시민참여 특성
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):69-85.
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Interpreting the Evolving Idea of the ‘Garden’ in Singapore’s Urban Environmental Policy
싱가포르의 친환경 도시 정책에서 정원 개념의 변화
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):86-103.
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A Basic Study for the Introduction of Green Prescription and Establishment of Policy System in Korea - Through Comparative Analysis of U.K. and U.S. Cases -
국내 녹색처방 도입과 정책체계 수립을 위한 기초연구 - 영국과 미국 사례 비교 분석을 통해 -
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):104-119.
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Characteristics of Yeong-dae Garden Recorded in Shijing and Mencius, and Its Perception in the Joseon Dynasty
『시경』과 『맹자』에 기록된 영대(靈臺) 원림의 특성과 조선시대 인식
J Korean Inst Landsc Archit 2024;52(4):120-136.
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